Our Webstore is open for business! Check it out: www.savonsdesiles.com
We have big news!
Savons Des îles has a website! Yes, we have a website but like to call it webstore.
You all know that we are in 2 countries: Haiti and USA. We built the site so that clients from both countries can purchase using their respective links!
Let's get into the nitty gritty!!!
- First you will type into your browser: www.savonsdesiles.com
- Voila, you are there. At the top of the page, you will find the menu. Click on catalog and you will be prompted to our product page.
- Choose the product you are interested in, click on the picture. A detailed page page with the description will appear. The add to cart button will be displayed.
- The default dropdown menu on the add to cart button lists Haiti Market. If you live in Haiti please click "Haiti Market". If you live in the US, please click "US Market". We do not carry the same inventory in both locations.
That's all! Easy Peasy! All delivery for soap ordered through the US link are done through the USPS, UPS or Fedex. Delivery in Haiti is done through private courier.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click away, add to your amazing products in those carts!!!!! The only thing that can stop you is "if" we are out of products. Even that is not a problem because we are constantly restocking!
I am so happy to be able to make this easier on you my fellow clients....Let me know how easy it is for you to navigate the webstore. All feedbacks will be greatly appreciated. Happy Shopping!