A Soap Making Class for kids

A Soap Making Class for kids

How Fun!!!!!!!

The day is approaching and we are so excited about holding our first workshop in our studio, in Haiti. We will welcome a group of 10 kids to learn the art of making glycerin soaps.  I asked myself many times if this would be well received.  I am overwhelmed with the positive response and enthusiasm of parents!

This activity will engage our young soapers in safety, guidelines, ingredients, scented oils etc. and most importantly a pleasant 2 hour in soap making!

Hurry and Register as spaces are limited.  Registration can be done on our website:  www.savonsdesiles.com or Please email savonsdesiles@gmail.com or call (509) 3402-7375 for more information.  Session must be paid in full in order to confirm your attendance.


Thank you and see you soon!



La journée approche et nous sommes très enchantés à l’idée d'organiser notre premier atelier de fabrication de savons dans notre studio en Haïti. Nous accueillerons un groupe de 10 enfants. Je me suis demandé à plusieurs reprises si cela serait bien reçu. Je suis émerveillée par la réponse positive et l'enthousiasme des parents!

Cette activité impliquera nos jeunes savonniers dans les détails comme: les directives, les ingrédients, les huiles parfumées, etc. et plus important encore, ils le feront pendant deux  agréables heures de temps!

Dépêchez-vous et inscrivez-vous car les places sont limitées. L'inscription peut être faite sur notre site Web: www.savonsdesiles.com ou s'il vous plaît écrivez à savonsdesiles@gmail.com ou appelez le (509) 3402-7375 pour plus d'informations. La session doit être payée en totalité afin de confirmer votre présence.


Merci et à bientot!

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Embracing an Active Living is a gift you give yourself. It’s about valuing your health, feeling empowered, and enjoying life to the fullest. By integrating exercise, nutrition, and self-care into your routine, you’re taking a crucial step towards a healthier, happier you.

Michael William

Embracing an Active Living is a gift you give yourself. It’s about valuing your health, feeling empowered, and enjoying life to the fullest. By integrating exercise, nutrition, and self-care into your routine, you’re taking a crucial step towards a healthier, happier you.

Michael William

Embracing an Active Living is a gift you give yourself. It’s about valuing your health, feeling empowered, and enjoying life to the fullest. By integrating exercise, nutrition, and self-care into your routine, you’re taking a crucial step towards a healthier, happier you.

Michael William

Embracing an Active Living is a gift you give yourself. It’s about valuing your health, feeling empowered, and enjoying life to the fullest. By integrating exercise, nutrition, and self-care into your routine, you’re taking a crucial step towards a healthier, happier you.

Michael William

Skin Whitening Injections


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